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Friday, November 03, 2006

Erika's maneuvers

I'm going to take some profits; I started thinking about dollar cost averaging and decided that this would be a good time to

Sell 200 shares of GME

and do some homework over the weekend, planning on purchasing Monday.

Anyone Have an Antacid?

Sell all of Whole Foods.

Can't believe that a profitable company that has plenty of room for growth got pummeled for lowered guidance. Goes to show that I simply do not have a "feel" of the grocery industry. Going to hold the tattered remains of what is left in cash for now, until I can research properly.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Dad starts pulling away...

I notice that Dad is now starting to pull away... Al is losing ground with some of his picks but so far OII is saving him. Chris is being relentlessly hammered by what I honestly think were good picks with bad luck. Todd is doing well also, and I've moved from the 'safe' position of Google to speculate on a couple other stocks (MSFT, EBAY) who might be interested in acquiring a weakened Yahoo in the hopes of making up some ground.

What will this week bring? Are the stock hopes of the folks toward the back of the pack going to continue to be haunted by the ghosts of bad luck, or will they pull some treats out of their bags and begin gaining ground? Only time will tell...

Monday, October 30, 2006

Erika Sell 10-30-06

Sell All GOOG
Buy 300 MSFT
Buy 330 EBAY